Thursday, 15 September 2011

mini in the park @ santa pod raceway 2011

Just over a month ago I was lucky enough to get a mini one! I had been looking at getting one for months on end until finally the day came when I was able to get my own. With help (a lot of) from my dad, and my new job I was able to afford one, and despite the huge insurance bill I am now the proud owner of my gorgeous Burgundy mini one! I picked up the car on a Friday afternoon, and by Sunday I was driving myself, my lovely boyfriend Adam and a friend up to Santa pod raceway in Northampton for the mini in the park event! It had been Adam's idea and was honestly one of the most enjoyable days out I have had in a long while! It includes racing, live action stunts and a great auto jumble for mini parts (among lots of other fun, and some great hog roasts!) when we drove in, we saw a huge car park filled with both Austin and BMW mini's, but you could only park in the nice car park if you drove in a mini, so all other cars were guided to a further away field. rejected!!! HeHe!

In the live action arena was Terry Grant, an amazing stunt drive to whom no one can compare! I have seen him a couple of times before, and always been impressed, but this time he had a new trick up his sleeves!

All in all this was a lovely day, and for once the sun stayed out for us. So big thanks to my gorgeous guy Adam for organizing the trip to go! <3

Here are some pictures and videos of the day we had, including stunts from the amazing Terry Grant!!!

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